We provide children from birth to 5th grade with an age appropriate, Biblically based, fun, and loving environment. Our goal is to partner with you, parents, in planting seeds of faith in the hearts and minds of your children.  

We have a variety of events throughout the year geared towards children including Sunday school, VBS and Kids Klub! Click the Kid's logo to find out more!

We want to help students grades 6th -12th grow in their relationship with God and find answers to their questions through worship, Biblical teaching, and discussion alongside adult leaders.

Our student ministry goes beyond Sundays with summer camps, mission trips, and D-Now weekends. Click the Student logo to find out more!

NFBC's Women's Ministry holds monthly events the range anywhere from ice cream socials and pottery painting to retreats and Bible studies. If you are looking for a great group of godly women, look no further!

Send an email to find out what events are coming up by clicking on the Women's Ministry logo.

We believe that the most important musical sound on Sunday morning is the congregation singing together. People are made to worship and will always worship something. We too often end up worshiping lesser things that can never satisfy us. At North Fairfield we seek to point each other to the only One who can fully satisfy and is the only One worthy of our highest affections and praise. NFBC celebrates with a blended style of worship.

Click the Worship logo to learn more about our Worship ministry!